Thursday, December 14, 2006

Respective grades

This is a response to “thinkful thoughts,”

Well, I don’t think that anyone should be completely shocked at his or her respective grade. I’m pretty sure every individual had a good understanding of how much time was spent participating in class and online. Every one of us knows that we got back from this course what we put in, and to assume that this class was an “easy A” is to assume that post-secondary standards here at Morris are sub-par. This is not the case! If anything, this course allowed us (the students) to take things in at an untraditional pace; we were given books and asked to read them. This is not high school this is not a type of institution that requires you to do any work at all; in fact any post-secondary institution could care less whether or not you are keeping up with your assignments. For most of us, we are paying to be here! And because of this we should be, at least, motivated by the fact that money is being spent in order for us to obtain a degree.

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