Thursday, November 16, 2006

Discussion Summary (a little late)

Well, my discussion summary is a little late…sorry.

So most of what we’ve been discussing has revolved around Jamboree, and preparing for Jamboree. So just to reiterate everything that has already been said I simply say that in order for us to pull off a half-way decent Jamboree presentation we should attend swing club Thursday nights in the RFC.

The band will be getting together to practice on Monday; so if you are the band, don’t forget.

We have also mentioned, vaguely, the arrangements for the radio show in class. It seems that some collaboration with the other Roots Music class may be necessary, may be not. It depends on whether or not we want to simply split up the airtime into two between the two classes or combine the airtime and create of sort of integrated radio show between the two classes.

I believe that just about covers most of it, if any of it.

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